Prison Explosion
After Butch pushed the button, a series of events occured. While, Brick and Dexter were heading to the prisoners. Boomer and Butch set up bombs at various locations. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!! The ground shook like crazy but the structure did not colapse. But it did create a huge fire.The droid guards were extremely confused on what happened. Dexter and Brick took advantage of the situation and smashed the droids. Dexter went to the control panel at the side.
Dexter: If I only know the combination to get... (Brick smashed the control panel and all of the cell doors opened.) Okay, that works too.
Blossom: I told you help would arrive.
Dexter: All of you. We come to free you all.
Brick: So, if you don't want to be prisoners than come with us.
Blossom: Who are you?
Dexter: We're Dexter and Brick.
Buttercup: Okay, let's go.
Dexter: (radio) Boomer, Butch, All prisoners are freed.
Boomer: Good, get them out of here. We have the security's attention.
Butch: Get out of here, while you can.
Dexter: I've fought in many battles and what I have learned is the most noble soldiers do not leave the injured behind to die in the chaos. How long can you hold your position?
Boomer: For about a couple of minutes. Just get going.
Dexter: Let's go. (Dexter, Brick, and the girls guided and protected the fugitives. But Dexter accidently made a wrong turn and found themselves at the weapons cache. Dexter grabbed some arms and tossed them to the guys.) I want everyone armed. It's going to be a rough battle but we have to fight our way out. Blossom, Brick, Bubbles, Buttercup, it's up to you to get the guys out of here. I'll go ahead and take down any security in the way.
Brick: Are you sure? That's not how the plan goes.
Dexter: In battle, you need to know when to change the plans. You four, good luck.
Blossom: Be careful. (Dexter goes ahead.) Let's go.
Dexter cleared a path out and the guys followed. It took a while but the prisoners are out; Dexter turned around to get Boomer and Butch.
Dexter: (radio) Boomer, Butch, what's your situation?
Boomer: I said not to worry. We will be fine as long as the civilians are out.
Dexter headed back in. Blossom and the crew (Bubbles, Buttercup, Brick) made sure everyone was safe and headed back in as well.
Meanwhile, Boomer and Butch were about to get caught. Then, Dexter, Brick and the girls reenforced them. The elite were back together again. All seven of them fought the droids. Unexpectedly, the ones who were released came back and fought as well. It became a grand epic battle.
Mandark called Dexter to challenge him. Dexter accepted the challenge. Dexter and Mandark fought one-on-one. Evenually, Dexter slashed at Mandark and beat him. Dexter won the challenge as Mandark fled the battle with his creation and clone Sedusa.
Dexter looked to the battlefield and climbed to the top and got the tri-kingdom banner. The banner had a violet background. In the foreground, were three swords crossing in front of a shield. Around the the swords was wreath of roses. The roses were red, blue, and green in color.
Dexter: VICTORY!! (The droids in the area began to shut down and explode one at a time.) This battle has been won!!
Then, Dexter waved the banner; shouting victory. As he did this, the ones on the ground cheered with glee. Mandark was defeated and was gone. As this was happening, the sun rose in the east. It was later that day that all was restored in New Townsville. Thanks to the Powerpuff Girls Z Elite. (Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Brick, Boomer, Butch, and Dexter)
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