The Elite Get The "Sheet"
Back to the present:
Dexter and the Professor allowed the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys to form an alliance. Of course, they did not know that it was needed in the future. But that is for another time. Dexter thought the boys some manners though it was very difficult. Also, he trained the boys with certain weapondry. Brick got the sword. Boomer got the bo staff. Butch got nunchuks. The boys also had extra names to go by to use outside. The names were Haruto Tai, Tukumi Jiang, and Zhong Yun, respectively.The mayor called and was going to inform the girls something but noticed that their were more people in the area.
Mayor: Girls, the town need you again... Who are these people? (He was referring to the Rowdyruff Boys and Dexter).
Dexter: I am Dexter. These young gentlemen are Haruto Tai, Tukumi Jiang, and Zhong Yun.
Mayor: Okay, and why are you here?
Blossom: They decided to form an alliance with us.
Mayor: *sigh* Very well then. Now, oh yes. The reason I called was there was a mud slide that occured just recently. And you guys need to help the people from drowning.
Brick: Okay, if you say so. (With an attitude, Dexter slaps him.) Oww.
Dexter: Let's get going. (So, the girls and boys flew out. Dexter could not fly but the speed in which he can run, it did not matter.)
When the elite got there, the area is flooded with liquid mud about six feet. For some odd reason, it did not smell pleasant.
Buttercup: Uhh. What is that smell?
Butch: I don't know. I think it coming from the mud.
Brick: (smells it.) Uhh. Yep, it's definately from the mud. I think there's rotting meat in there. We better get the civilians out of there before they pass out.
Dexter: That was exactly what I was thinking.
The elite were going to pull the civilians out of the mud but someone rose from the mud. The was a fat man. He had red hair and wore a green stereotypical German outfit. He laughed.
Man: You will have to get past me, first.
Brick: Who would you be?
Man: I am the "Poopie Miester".
Girls: The "Poopie Miester"? (The boys could not hold their laughter.)
Brick: Oh God. That has to be the worst name ever...
Boomer: No "sheet", Sherlock.
Butch: The name is so bad, it gives me "the skitters".
Brick: You should "scat", Poopie Miester.
Buttercup: Those jokes as a bunch of "crap".
Poopie: Oh. Shut up. (He slams his fists down and mud rose high and landed on all of them.)
Buttercup: You think a little mud is going to stop us from stopping you.
Poopie: Who said it was mud? (Everyone got the picture and disgust struck them. They were covered in poo.)
Blossom: This is disgusting.
Bubbles: Uww. Uww. Get it off. Get it off.
Buttercup: This is wrong on so many levels.
Brick: You make a mud slide made out of poo?
Poopie: That is right.
Brick: You are sick!!
Dexter: Enough. If you don't yield, then we will have to fight our way through.
Poopie: Well then, so be it. (He manipulated the poo and created a shield and suit around him.)
Boomer: This is so wrong. Especially the stench.
Poopie: I am the great poopie miester. The master of crap. The sultan of sheet. The director of direihha. (The boys started laughing again.) And... Shut up. This is serious!!
Brick: You aren't serious.
Boomer: You are doodoo.
Butch: Yeah... (Then, columns of poo came up from below and grabbed the boys.) Oh "shit". (The boys were pulled under.)
Blossom: Brick!! (She boldly dives into the poo in hoping she can save Brick. Bubbles and Buttercup follow to rescue the others including Boomer and Butch.)
Dexter: Looks like I have to fight the crap. At least, I get to relive the days of my youth again.
So, Dexter fought the Poopie Miester. Meanwhile, underneath the poo, the girls were having trouble seeing having some poo in their eyes. Evenually, they found the boys and brought them to the surface. The boys were forunately okay. The girls needed to stop the Poopie Miester. Buttercup got an idea.
Buttercup: Everyone get to shore. (The girls and boys did that.)
Blossom: What about you?
Buttercup: I have this one handled. Trust me. (She went down into the poo again. She found a manhole that was closed and lifted the lid.)
The poo, literally, began to lower. It created a whirlpool around the now opened manhole.
Poopie: What's going on? Why is the poo lowering? (He notices.) Oh no. I'm flushing. I'm flushing.(Buttercup is struggling to get out.)
Butch: Buttercup, take my hand. (Butch reaches over and grabs Buttercup's hand. He was able to pull Buttercup out. Dexter continued to fight the Poopie Miester down to the drain.)
When the flood was gone, the streets were covered in shit. The heavy items were covered in a sticky brown substance. Smaller items went down the drain. The girls and boys saw Dexter come out of the manhole with two doberman puppies which he saved from being drowned. He turned around holding the pups in his hands.
Dexter: Poopie Miester, remember this. When you side with evil in the face of battle, you will alway be "number two".
Buttercup: Enough with the poo jokes already.
Dexter: I'm sorry. I could not resist saying that.
Bubbles: I need to clean up.
Dexter: Don't worry we will be clean soon enough. But we need to clean the poo up first. Then, we can hit the showers (or bathe).
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