Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chapter 7C

It was closing in to midnight, the security of the Tod Herzen Prison was on. In a brush nearby that was not in the light. Dexter was wearing black; he was looking out for the guards. He had a radio transmission.
Dexter: (radio) Boys, I've found a clear spot in the security.
Brick: Okay. Heading to where you are. (The boys arrive at his area.) Okay, this is the place.
Dexter: I have these. (Hands out security uniforms.)
Brick: Good Job. (The guys put the uniforms on.)
Boomer: These uniforms will make us harder to spot.
Butch: Okay, what now?
Brick: Okay, Boomoer and Butch will be the distraction when the time is right. Dexter and I will free the girls, okay?
Boomer: Okay.
Butch: Let's do this. (The four sneak into the prison and they go in undetected.)
Boomer and Butch head toward vital areas of the prison. Brick and Dexter headed for the prisoners. Dexter and Brick were noticed by a rookie guard but the guard thought they were part of the other staff.
Guard: Hey, you guys.
Dexter: Yes.
Guard: Mandark, asked me to get the prisoners and get them to the lab, but I'm afraid of getting beat up. Can you two do that for me? (Dexter decided to take advantage of the opportunity.)
Dexter: We would like to help you.
Guard: Ohh. Thanks. Here is the key to the cells. (The guard hands them the key.)
Dexter: Thank you. Well, we should be going.
Dexter and Brick made it to the prison cells and entered the cell hallway. They saw the frightened prisoners. They explored the hallway and found a variety of prisoners.
Dexter: Okay, Brick. We can not make a sound.
Brick: Okay. (Then, they began to unlock doors but not open them.) Boomer, Butch, do you have the stuff ready?
Boomer: (radio) Yeah. Are you and Brick with the prisoners? (Blossom wakes up and sees the two guards. At first, she thought she saw Brick but she thought it was just a look-alike. She decided to listen in. She wakes up the other two girls.)
Blossom: Girls, wake up. (The others wake up.) I think help just arrived.
Bubbles: Those are just to security guards.
Buttercup: Yeah. It is pointless. You don't know when you should just stop.
Blossom: Just listen to them.
Buttercup: Fine (Bubbles and Buttercup listen in.)
Dexter: (radio) Yes. Are you ready for this? Because once we start, we are not able to stop and turn back.
Butch: We are ready.
Brick: Initiate, Operation: Prison Explosion. (Dexter and Brick heard two droids coming, so they hid. They saw the droids coming.)
Boomer: Initiating in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... (The droids were getting closer.) 5... 4... (Closer)3... 2... (Closer) 1... (Butch pushes a button.)

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